
2018 Internationale_kunst_heute_2018

2018 Internationale_kunst_heute_2018

Text from the File / Internationale Kunst heute. (Translated)

The multimedia exploration of the body is at the centre of the work of Ursina Gabriela Roesch "Urgart" from Switzerland. The current series Passion fresco is the logical continuation of her exploration of body spaces and spatial bodies, with which she began in the 1980s and artistically realised her insights initially in voice and dance performances. With the series "Body talk" Roesch captured the body of speech by means of analogue photography before further series followed. To this day, they are based on observations of everyday life
and her own experiences, which the artist also records in texts that always form the basis for her visual works.
The most recent 18-part series, Passion fresco, shows fragments of images of women's bodies, initially in 35mm format, then abstracted and enlarged. The organic forms, which seem to float in delicate shades of red and pink against a black background, exert a strong fascination. Roesch alienates areas of the female body between the navel and the knee in diverse, extremely poetic variations. The refined artistic
artistic realisation avoids a prescriptive depiction and leaves enough room for the viewer's own fantasies.
The attractive, haptically appealing surface of the individual pictures immediately catches the eye. Roesch has sensitively overdrawn the photographs with the help of a computer programme and thus emphasised structures. Finally, by printing on high-quality handmade paper, the spatial nature of the structures and also the delicate gradations of the colours are immediately brought to bear in their over-all sensuality.